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Scale Your Support Organization Using AI: A RingCentral Case Study

In highly competitive industries, creating distance between you and the competition often comes down to who succeeds in delivering consistent and personalized customer experiences at scale.

Self-service is preferred by all age and region demographics. Your organization should have a strategy to prioritize and identify opportunities for AI and machine learning.

In this customer-oriented session, learn about RingCentral’s journey and how you can identify:
  • Key signals that it’s time for a change.
  • Prerequisites for an effective AI journey.
  • Key metrics to achieve a measurable ROI.
  • How to deliver world-class, intelligent customer service experiences.
  • Faced with soaring subscriber growth, RingCentral journeyed through a digital transformation that started with perfecting its search for customers. They began with 80% of their support occurring over the phone, a disjointed search experience, poor knowledge management, and customer self-service that was in its infancy. Their knowledge base wasn’t resolving questions or rising to meet the needs of their customer base.

    They needed to create a vision and get support to scale that matched their growth.
    In the end, they implemented a more cohesive knowledge management (KM) strategy that unified content and increased search engine optimization (SEO) value so that end customers could self-serve and remain engaged online.

    Juanita Olguin
    Senior Director, Product Marketing
    Jeff Harling,  Head of Global Digital Customer Experience - Success and Support ZOOM
    Jeff Harling
    John Ragsdale
    VP Technology Ecosystems
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