What Is An Information Retrieval System?

Information retrieval is the process of obtaining relevant information from a collection of resources, such as documents, in the form of unstructured or semi-structured data. Great retrieval supports passage identification for tools like generative AI.

Information retrieval systems (or IR system), commonly referred to as search platforms, provide an interface between users and the information in data repositories. They allow us to make sense of the vast amounts of information we encounter daily. We encounter IR systems in the form of web search engines, virtual assistants, and sorting emails.

Security researcher Coveo

What Are the Advantages of Information Retrieval?

What Are the Advantages of Information Retrieval?

Information retrieval provides an interface that humans can use to surface data stored on a machine. When enterprises need to deliver data to different audiences — prospects, employees, customers, partners, etc. — it can be difficult to connect the dots between where that data is stored and where an end user can access it.

Information retrieval is a core part of knowledge management systems. Think about institutional knowledge — great stuff, except less useful when its trapped inside someone’s head. When documented and organized, information retrieval makes that data more useful.

Advantages of Information Retrieval with Coveo

Why Is Information Retrieval Difficult?

Why Is Information Retrieval Difficult?

When people retrieve information, what they’re looking for is often buried in PDFs, PowerPoint documents, Word documents, etc. — in tech speak, “unstructured content.” The kind of stuff that does not fit well in tables or rows.

This kind of information retrieval — connecting amorphous documents with fuzzy concepts — is the hardest to solve.

Information Retrieval is Difficult without Coveo

Frequently asked questions

Let’s take a look at the most common techniques in use today for information retrieval, their strengths and limitations, and real-world applications. Information retrieval systems often utilize a combination of these techniques to improve accuracy and efficiency.

  • Boolean
    One of the simplest methods, boolean retrieval involves retrieving information based on Boolean operations (AND, OR and NOT). This technique is an effective way to filter information and useful for its precision.
  • Vector
    A vector space model can capture nuances and retrieve results with semantic similarities to the query. In this method, documents and queries are represented as vectors in multidimensional space.
  • Probabilistic
    This IR technique employs the probability ranking principle (PRP) to rank documents in decreasing order of the probability of relevance to the query.
  • Latent Semantic Analysis
    Based on natural language processing, latent semantic analysis (LSA) is a method that analyzes the relationships between documents and the terms they contain.
  • Neural Information Retrieval Models
    Using deep learning techniques to capture nuanced semantic relationships between documents and queries, these models are able to improve the accuracy and relevance of searches in large-scale data sets.

To look at content across your enterprise with information retrieval, you need to connect into data sources. And that’s done through connectors, which enables you to plug into a content source using a crawler or push mechanism.

A crawler crawls through all connected sources to extract data, regardless of whether that data is structured or unstructured.

  • Structured data is formatted in a way that makes it searchable with SQL queries; e.g., Excel files, product inventory, and customer names.
  • Unstructured data is not formatted in a highly structured way; e.g., text files, audio, video, and social media postings.

A Push API exposes services that allow you to push items and their permission models into a source, and security identities into a security identity provider, rather than letting standard Coveo crawlers pull this content.

Information retrieval ranking can be as simple as looking at how many times a given query or keyword appears in the retrieved data. More sophisticated ranking requires creating a relevancy score based on numerous factors, and then displaying these results in descending order.

Machine Learning

To meet modern expectations, information retrieval systems should use artificial intelligence and machine learning to map the content so that the machine knows that a PDF about, say, “unified search,” is similar to a document on “index-time merging.” This enhances search results so the most relevant content always rises to the top.

Coveo’s machine learning models include:

Role-based Access Controls

It is vital that a unified index must be able to understand the permissions a user has to access information. Modern enterprise search software uses access controls to enforce security policies on each enterprise user, to ensure security compliance within the search experience.

User Intent

By capturing  on every user’s action, modern information retrieval platforms can determine intent. Through also taking into account personal data (including geo-location), the platform can match a query to mapped content and retrieve the most .

Machine learning and deep learning algorithms have enabled a new level of relevance analytics for each information retrieval platform user. Each result is uniquely tailored to individual users.

Equally, information retrieval capabilities are put to use for external-facing applications such as web search and app search. An information retrieval platform should support all these use cases, internally and externally to the enterprise.


With information needing to be accessible from an ever-growing number of devices, a headless framework gives you ultimate control and flexibility over your information retrieval interface. The Coveo Platform acts as a middle-layer for applications, opening a line of communication between the UI elements and your index.

Information Retrieval-as-a-Service

The Coveo Platform is an enterprise-class, multi-tenant SaaS/PaaS solution that provides a unified, scalable, and secure way to search for contextually relevant content across many enterprise systems

How Do I Determine the Best Information Retrieval System?

Industry analysts regularly rank information retrieval vendors. Gartner has their Insight Engine category, while Forrester refers to it as Cognitive Search.

Unlike Elastic Enterprise Search, Solr, Amazon OpenSearch, or even Amazon Kendra, which require developers to build an information retrieval experience from scratch, the Coveo Platform includes hosted search page templates to get started right away. You can quickly see what a typical information retrieval result will look like for a user.

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