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AI-Powered Search for B2B Ecommerce

Andrea Polonioli from the Coveo AI E-commerce product marketing team, and Sean Pollock, an enterprise e-commerce sales engineer at Coveo dive into the transformative power of AI-driven search capabilities for B2B e-commerce platforms.

In this webinar we discuss:

  • The evolving expectations in B2B e-commerce, highlighting the impact of digital transformation accelerated by the pandemic.
  • The importance of seamless website functionality and the critical role of effective search capabilities in retaining customers.
  • How Coveo AI’s cloud-based AI platform enhances the search, navigation and recommendation aspects of the customer’s journey on e-commerce sites.
  • Coveo AI’s ability to handle complex B2B requirements, such as managing millions of SKUs, accommodating numerous attributes, and ensuring relevant content is easily discoverable.
  • Our other features, such as predictive and typo-tolerant query suggestions, personalized pricing, and catalog entitlements. Simplifying the search process and enhancing findability.
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