Delivering Exceptional Digital Experiences For

Business Services

In the highly competitive business services sector, there is little room for error or misspent time and time is money after all. Coveo puts the right information in the hands of those searching for it, the moment it’s needed, to create an unprecedented digital experience.

HerausforderungCustomers expect personalized service online

Your visitors turn to your site as a trusted resource for information and they expect to find content personalized to their needs. As your company grows, manual personalization becomes near impossible but without it, you risk becoming obsolete in the digital era.

LösungStreamline personalization with the Unified Layer of Relevance

Through powerful search capabilities, machine learning technology and usages analytics, Coveo unifies your company knowledge, understands the context and intent of your visitors and creates a relevant end-to-end experience.

HerausforderungThe time to proficiency for staff hurts the bottom line

The learning curve for staff is steep, and it hurts your reputation with customers when less skilled employees make mistakes or cannot find the information to adequately do their jobs. Siloed company knowledge prevents your team from making informed decisions.

LösungCreate a more predictive and intelligent intranet

The knowledge of your experienced employees - available for every employee. It's possible with the Intelligent Intranet, which creates a searchable knowledge base that learns from your users to always recommend the right content at the right time and truly capitalize on the knowledge in your organization.

HerausforderungPoor partner relations hurt the brand

Your partners have the ability to significantly drive business but they don't have the resources to do so. Without an effective partner channel which provides access to critical information, their hands are tied and you're likely missing out on business opportunities.

LösungOptimized partner portals

With AI-powered search, your partners can easily find case-critical information, relevant documents, contract details and more. They can also ask questions and share best practices, strengthening the collective expertise of the organization and generate additional revenue.

Coveo is here to help

Staying ahead of the competition in an ever-changing industry requires more than a quality product.

From helping customers find the right data every time, to giving your team deep insight into customer behavior and usage patterns, Coveo is ready to help.