Spontaneous Application

  • Canada / United States
  • Spontaneous Applications
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Coveo is ALWAYS looking for top talent.

You don't see the role for your skills? Submit your resume and we might create one just for you.

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Absolutely! This is a question women and under-represented groups ask themselves more often than the rest of the population. Don't underestimate yourself, we are not looking for someone perfect but for someone who is motivated, capable and who will thrive in this position. Allow us to discover you!

Coveo is a Quebec-based company, pioneer in AI-powered search and recommendations. Coveo uses AI technologies and intelligent search to personalize every digital experience for customers, partners, dealers, and employees. Coveo combines unified content, unified interactions behavioral data and machine learning to deliver relevant information and recommendations across every business interaction, making websites, e-commerce, contact centers and intranets efficient, effortless, content-rich, thus boosting conversion.

If it were easy, someone else would have done it. All of our colleagues at Coveo find the drive to continuously seek new challenges and test roads no one else has ever explored. This ethos has allowed us to become a world leader in an innovative industry and to create a collaborative, diverse and trusting place to work filled with amazingly talented and passionate people. We love a good challenge, and we never say no to an opportunity to learn and develop new cutting-edge skills. Discover our values here

This role requires you to be in the office full-time, whether it be at our Quebec, Montreal, Weert, or London locations. Our modern infrastructures are designed to enhance cross-team collaboration and promote overall well-being.

Our offices in Quebec City, Montreal, London and Weert are designed to foster collaboration and your well-being. We gather there on our pillar days two times a week to strengthen in-person interactions and encourage creativity, all while providing you with the flexibility of a hybrid environment.

We hire from all over the world because the diversity of backgrounds fuels our continuous innovation. Our benefits will enable you to work comfortably from home, but you may be required to travel to attend our in-person team-building events.

Apply for this job

Browse or drop your resume here Browse, drop or paste your resume here
Is there a preferred pronoun we should use? / Y a-t-il un pronom spécifique que nous devrions utiliser? (optional/optionnel)
Which departments are you interested in? / Par quels départements es-tu intéressé.e?*
Are you currently legally allowed to work in Canada or in the United States? / Es-tu présentement légalement autorisé.e à travailler au Canada ou aux États-Unis?*
Dans quelle langue préfères-tu que nous communiquions avec toi? / In what language do you want us to communicate with you?*
For more information regarding how we use your personal information as part of the recruitment process, please read our Applicant and Candidate Privacy Notice: https://www.coveo.com/en/company/legal/privacy/applicant-and-candidate-privacy-notice // Pour obtenir plus d'information concernant l'utilisation de vos données personnelles lors du processus de recrutement, veuillez consulter notre Déclaration de protection de la vie privée : https://www.coveo.com/fr/compagnie/legal/vie-privee/declaration-de-protection-de-la-vie-privee-des-candidats*
Je confirme résider ou m'apprêter à déménager dans la localisation indiquée dans la description de l'offre d'emploi / I confirm either living or being about to move to the location indicated in the job listing.*

Coveo is an inclusive employer who values D&I principles and is dedicated to be a self-aware employer. We are determined to ensure all candidates are treated with equity and fairness and that everyone gets an equal chance to access employment opportunities at Coveo.

Note that the following questions are entirely optional and, if you choose to answer, will not be linked to your name or job application. It will therefore not affect your application. The data will be aggregated and will serve reporting purposes only so we can measure the level of inclusivity of our hiring process and identify potential areas of improvement for our D&I hiring practice. For more information on the way we process your information, please refer to our Applicant and Candidate Privacy Notice.


Coveo est un employeur inclusif qui respecte et valorise les principes de Diversité et Inclusion et est décidé à être une organisation consciente. Nous sommes déterminés à ce que tous les candidats soient traités de façon juste et équitable et disposent d'une chance égale d'accéder aux opportunités d'emploi chez Coveo.

Les questions suivantes sont totalement optionnelles et n'affecteront pas ton application. Les données seront agrégées et serviront à analyser le degré d'inclusivité de notre processus ainsi que des pistes d'améliorations potentielles dans notre pratique de Diversité et Inclusion. Pour plus d'information, merci de te référer à notre Avis de confidentialité pour les candidats et postulants.


Do you identify yourself as a visible minority? / T'identifies-tu à une minorité visible?
What is your gender? / Quel est ton genre?
Do you have a disability that substantially limits one or more of your major life activities? / As-tu un handicap qui limite substantiellement une ou plusieurs activités majeures de la vie quotidienne?
How would you describe your ethnic or cultural background (mark all that apply) / Comment décrirais-tu tes origines ethniques ou culturelles? (Sélectionner tout ce qui s'applique)
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