Two weeks ago was Coveo’s mid-year sales and marketing meeting in our Headquarters in Quebec City. The city is absolutely beautiful — but summer in Quebec is much more tolerable when you can sit on a patio to enjoy your meal rather than bundling up against the winter weather. The patio is where my favourite picture of our Mid-Year Meeting was shot. It was an impromptu evening — there were no firm plans after a company-wide reception that followed a day of presentations. What started as a small group of four looking to grab a quick bite to eat before calling it a night, slowly grew into a larger party that required an army of wait staff to rearrange tables and chairs to ensure that we were all sitting together.
The picture illustrates #CoveoLife perfectly — multiple departments are represented, spanning all rungs of the corporate ladder and all levels of experience to break bread together and enjoy eachothers’ company. No one cared that a Vice President was seated next to a Summer Intern. Rather than shunning the newer employees, they were embraced wholeheartedly. R and D team members conversed with sales reps. English and French-speaking colleagues shared jokes on common ground.
From the moment I started at Coveo I felt comfortable. Comfortable with my role, with management of the organization, and, most of all with my co-workers. The hiring process at Coveo, while somewhat elaborate and much more structured and in-depth than other companies I have interviewed with, is absolutely, 100%, the reason why a picture like this one is even possible. By the time you have finished the hiring process, the team at Coveo has virtually ensured that you will fit in; not only with your team and department, but with the company as a whole and the values that they enforce.
My first sales meeting was less than one week after I started at Coveo and I was made to feel a welcome and active participant in the discussions and presentations. It was such a positive experience that I thoroughly looked forward to the mid-year meeting and it did not disappoint. Aside from the vast improvement in weather conditions from January to July, the absolute best part of the three days was getting to spend time professionally and socially with my co-workers in my department and across the company. This camaraderie makes me eager to attend our next sales and marketing meeting, although the group picture on a patio will be replaced by one on the base of the slopes.
This is the #CoveoLife.