Enterprise leaders are demanding more from their data and their tech stacks.   

With revenue and profit on the line, they are facing increasing pressure to deliver accurate, context-driven experiences across all touchpoints — whether it’s answering complex customer inquiries or making personalized product recommendations.  

The problem? Data silos often cause these experiences to fall short.  

Enter Coveo’s new integration with Salesforce Data Cloud — a game-changing advancement that brings enterprises unprecedented access to data from their Coveo-powered experiences across their Salesforce experiences. Now, companies can put more of their own data to best use to create the experiences customers expect. 

Unlocking the Power of Unified, Relevant Data 

As organizations grow, they accumulate vast amounts of content and data. This data resides across numerous platforms, often creating silos that hinder real-time insights and impactful decision-making. For large enterprises, especially those that use Salesforce applications like Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud, and Experience Cloud, tapping into all relevant data across these systems has been a monumental challenge.  

Coveo’s integration with Salesforce Data Cloud directly addresses these pain points, offering a robust solution that merges Coveo’s renowned AI-powered relevance and high scale connectivity with Salesforce’s unparalleled data ecosystem. 

This integration is not just another feature; it’s a fundamental shift in how enterprises can harness the power of AI and data. By leveraging Coveo’s advanced indexing and content unification capabilities, businesses can now seamlessly integrate external data sources into their Salesforce environments. 

The result? A holistic view of enterprise data, breaking down silos and enabling real-time access to the most relevant information across the Salesforce suite. 

This level of integration is crucial for enterprises with complex data ecosystems. In customer service, for instance, precise answers at scale can drastically reduce service costs while improving customer satisfaction. Coveo’s ability to inject high-relevance content into Salesforce’s Service Cloud is a game-changer for enterprises serving diverse and demanding customer bases.  

For businesses utilizing Salesforce Commerce Cloud, this integration could offer enhanced product and content recommendations, enabling more personalized, engaging shopping experiences. In fact, across every Salesforce application — whether it’s Experience Cloud, Service Cloud, Commerce Cloud, Marketing Cloud, or Sales Cloud —the integration with Coveo ensures that enterprises can ground Einstein with external data, allowing them to deliver the right information to the right person at the right time, optimizing the customer experience at every touchpoint. 

What This Means for Enterprises 

Large enterprises stand to benefit enormously from this integration. It’s estimated that more than 80% of content produced in an enterprise is unstructured, creating barriers to actioning important data and content. 

The combination of Coveo’s hybrid index with Salesforce Data Cloud unlocks a new level of precision and relevance for both structured and unstructured data. This ensures every interaction — within Agentforce to any other tool or feature that Salesforce provides — is grounded by the most accurate, context-rich data available. And with Coveo index and user action data now available in Data Cloud, experiences can be more personalized than ever before.  

This is particularly critical for organizations dealing with high volumes of customer inquiries or product data, where every second saved and every interaction optimized translates directly to the bottom line. 

With robust analytics built into the integration, enterprises can also gain deep insights into user interactions across platforms, helping them make data-driven decisions to continuously refine and improve their customer experiences. By harnessing the power of this integration, enterprises can truly capitalize on AI-driven insights, offering personalized, dynamic interactions that drive real business outcomes. 

This announcement marks an exciting new chapter in the ongoing collaboration between Coveo and Salesforce.  

As Kishan Chetan, EVP & GM of Service Cloud at Salesforce, noted, “Precise answers in service interactions help reduce service costs and improve customer satisfaction. This can be challenging for large enterprises that have a high volume of content sources and serve a diverse customer base.  

“Coveo’s extensive connectivity to content sources and its capability to add relevance to this content is a key enabler for enterprise customers with complex search requirements within Service.” 

Explore the Future of Data + AI  

Whether you’re looking to reduce service costs, enhance customer satisfaction, or drive more personalized experiences, Coveo’s integration with Salesforce Data Cloud may be worth looking into.  

Interested in learning more? Join us for the virtual Relevance 360 event on October 3, where you’ll not only learn more about this cutting-edge integration but also other best practices for maximizing your digital CX for ROI. 

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Thrive with AI: Maximize Your Digital CX for ROI